Join Thunder Bay Theatre for Murder at Roland Manor, an interactive online mystery play directed by Ciera Eis and written by Brennan Pickman-Thoon.
Explore the virtual manor as you chat with guests, roam the grounds, and discover who killed Kenneth Roland- before they get to you!
Tickets $15 via Eventbrite. After tickets are purchased, patrons will be emailed the link to the live, interactive experience. This interacive, online exprerience takes place on the Gather.Town platform. You can learn more about the platform here:
Explore the virtual manor as you chat with guests, roam the grounds, and discover who killed Kenneth Roland- before they get to you!
Tickets $15 via Eventbrite. After tickets are purchased, patrons will be emailed the link to the live, interactive experience. This interacive, online exprerience takes place on the Gather.Town platform. You can learn more about the platform here: